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August 21-24, 2025

50. It is more than just a nice round number. For Shelby American enthusiasts, SAAC 50 may be one of the largest gatherings in both attendance of people but also in the number of original cars being brought to one place in many, many years. It is something to plan for, to prepare for, way in advance.

The Shelby American Automobile Club (SAAC) was founded in 1975 and their mission statement of being dedicated to the care, preservation, history and enjoyment of the World Championship cars from Shelby American still resonates 50 years later. Some of the original founders are still working on this initial thought on a daily basis, they deserve our appreciation. Through documenting and tracking each Shelby American Cobra, Mustang and GT40 that was produced from 1962-1970, SAAC has created a way to reduce the chance of a fraudulent car being promoted as an original one. The ever changing and updating of the SAAC registries allows for the prior and current history of a car to be recorded. SAAC has always held a convention, once a year, and for 2025, it will be at Sonoma Raceway (for nostalgia buffs) Sears Point Raceway in Northern California. The dates are set, August 21-24, 2025, four full days in the California sun, and in the original home state of Shelby American.

WASAAC is not taking SAAC 50 lightly, it fact, in our 35 years of being a club, this is only the third time we are promoting the idea of bringing your car, in whatever condition it is in, to a national convention. Yes, it will be an expense, but we are going to try to make this as painless as possible and try to plan as much as we can in advance to make this event run as smooth as it can.

As we see it, there will be three different groups of people bringing their car to SAAC 50:

  1. People who want to trailer or drive their own car to Sonoma by themselves, leaving whenever they prefer and taking whichever road they desire.

  2. People who would like to drive down and back as a group. This gathering of true enthusiasts enjoy having other like-minded members share what could be perhaps the most memorable week with their car they will ever have. There is also the added security of help from others if there is need. People in this group may also be afflicted with the delusional thought of being immortalized as the next Allen Cheng. Allen, for those who don't know Allen, drove his black 1966 GT350H from B.C. Canada to SAAC 35 in Sonoma, California. This was in 100 plus degree heat with two kids in the back seat, asking "Are we almost there" as they crossed the Canadian/US border. Allen drove the Hertz back to Canada only to wash it and drive it back to Kirkland, Washington the next weekend to enter it into to the Kirkland Concours, then drove it back home. Memories. Rumor has it he was placed in an "institution" upon his return, mumbling something about wanting to drive to New York the next morning. Allen is due to get out a week before SAAC 50, due to "good behavior" so he may be in this group again. There will be a gathering of people driving down from Oregon as well, so the Washington group will meet up with them. There is no contact person for this group yet.

  3. People who want to have their car placed in an enclosed multiple car trailer(s) leaving from probably one or two preselected locations in Washington is the last group. At this point, you may live the lifestyle of flying down and picking up your car near or at the convention hotel the day before the convention starts. WASAAC has already started this process and we are on our second trailer at this time. The contact person for trailer appointments is Ken Carlson, he can be reached at 253-606-5979.

You do not need to be a WASAAC or National SAAC member to bring your car down on one of our planned trailers or to attend the convention itself. We, as a club, are just trying to gather as many original Shelby American automobiles as we can for SAAC 50. The other motto from SAAC is "Ownership is not essential, enthusiasm is."

SAAC 50 or Bust,
Mark Hovander
WASAAC President, but it feels more like a Dictatorship

This photo was taken at SAAC 8. Let's make it happen again at SAAC 50!

Why Should I Go To SAAC 50?

  • For the first time in 50 years, a SAAC Convention is four days long instead of three days and just by chance, it is in the original home state of Shelby American, California! You will have four straight days of experiencing various types of Shelby American and Hi-performance Ford automobiles.

  • You will have the chance to meet and talk to some of the original Shelby American employees like Peter Brock: designer of the Daytona Coupe Cobra, and various parts for the GT350 project. Peter also designed tee shirts, jackets and posters available through Shelby American. Chuck Cantwell: The "Father" of the GT350 Shelby Mustang program and head of the Trans Am Mustang project. Allen Grant: 289 Cobra and Daytona Cobra Coupe race car driver. Bernie Kretzschmar: Mechanic for Jerry Titus from 1965 to 1967. There will be a lot of other Shelby American employees at SAAC 50 as many of them still live in California.

  • Do you want to see some of the most perfectly and accurately restored Shelby Mustangs and Cobras? There will be several freshly restored cars being judged at SAAC 50, as the owners understand how significant this convention will be. If you want to learn the latest thoughts on how Shelby Mustangs and Cobras looked like they when they were brand new, SAAC 50 is the place.

  • If you want to spend some track time with your car, there are various grids depending upon your experience and comfort level. You can also watch Shelby American and Hi performance Ford race cars set up for vintage racing go at it like it was 1965. There is also drag racing available if you want to see your times in the quarter mile. All these events will be at Sonoma Raceway or if you go back far enough it is fondly remembered as Sears Point. SAAC 50 will peak all of your different kinds of track interests.

  • The BOSS Mustang National Meet will also be at SAAC 50! If you like the BOSS 302, 351 or 429 Mustangs, you will get your fix at SAAC 50. Usually, the BOSS Nationals are in the mid-West or East coast, but in 2025 they will be in California. The 2024 National BOSS event had 125 BOSSES registered but due to a forecast of bad weather 30 of them did not show. Chances are pretty good, the weather in Sonoma will be nice in late July. What are the BOSS Mustang ties to Shelby American? Don't forget, Carroll Shelby set up two 1969 BOSS 302's for Trans Am racing. Let's see if the West Coast BOSS owners can put together as many cars as the East coast group.

  • Meet old friends and create new ones at SAAC 50. The internet has opened the door on finding people or businesses who have the parts to make our classic hi-performance Ford and Shelby American car look and run as they should. The SAAC forum allows us to learn and gain tips from some of the most knowledgeable people on Shelby American cars in the United States. SAAC 50 will be the place to meet these people in person.

  • Foremost, SAAC 50 is a celebration of SAAC turning 50 years old. What is amazing about SAAC is that there are still some people who are diligently working on a daily basis to provide us the club that holds us together, and they have been there since day one. Two come to mind, Rick Kopec and Howard Pardee, each have been to every SAAC Convention. You will also be able to meet each of the SAAC Registrars, whether it be for a GT40, a Cobra or any year of Shelby Mustang, they will all be at SAAC 50. If you have a particular question about your car or the particular model year of interest, they would be a good starting point.

Modified: 10/16/24